Help me to remember: in interviews immediately after 9/11
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Sun Sep-04-05 01:26 PM
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Help me to remember: in interviews immediately after 9/11 |
did any public official fail to mention the tragedy and say words of condolence to the victims?
I'm asking because Orin Hatch was on CNN, being interviewed about Renquist's passing. Hatch said nothing about Katrina, not even some boilerplate about "at this time of national tragedy we still have to do the job of government blah blah woof woof". He then went on to say he thought "as many of us as possible" should go to Renquist's funeral - - it wasn't clear whether he meant as many Senators or as many members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
It just struck me as really weird he didn't say squat about Katrina.
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