That's all that seems to be going on among our elected Democratic 'leaders'. Most are not worthy of the term 'leader'. 'Follower' would be far more accurate.
But today, with bodies floating in the vile gumbo that has invaded a once and soon to be great AMERICAN city, following is not an option. We need leadership. And our government is not providing it.
On the one side we have the excuse makers. Everything is either someone else's fault or couldn't be anticipated.
On the other side, with all too few notable exceptions, we have ...... what? Silence? Yes ... deafening silence.
And then there's Governor Blanco. An elected Democrat. Doing something. And now doing something in direct **opposition** to the powers that have stolen our country. She's actually doing something. You may not like her, and that's okay. She may be too conservative for you (she is, for me), but she's DOING something .... all on her own.
She's now established a Louisiana-based charity that has as its sole mission support of the victims in her state. She's chosen to stand up in the face of the political onslaught of the RW's storm troopers by hiring her **OWN** FEMA director in the name of one James Lee Witt.
And then there's Al Gore. An elected Democratic President prevented from assuming office. Arranging for the medevac of the sickest of the sick to hospitals where they will receive the best of care. And not a word to the media. Just decisive action for the sake of those who are unable to do for themselves.
And then there's the Congressional Black Caucus. Elected Democrats, all. Standing up and saying what needs saying. And as usual, saying it alone. Where were the white faces in the background, standing in silent but visible support? Where were they when this wonderful group stood there and made the implication of what we all know to be the truth - that there are enormous racial overtones to the despicable lack of action by their country's government.
The honest truthtelling by at least one person in the media - NBC photographer Tony Zumbado - was hard to watch yet compelling and incredibly truthful in this time of media spin and media complicity. (this link works only if you use IE6 -
Now more than ever ...... Following is NOT an option.