We've heard the endless media stories about the Republican party being the "Daddy" party; the party that we can supposedly turn to in times of a crisis, the party of competence, the party that can execute.
The Presidency of George Bush belies all those media myths. His has proven to be just the opposite: a presidency plagued by incompetence, tragic blunders and large scale deceit.
Bush's reaction to 9/11 was one of macho posturing and blustering. Four years later, the man who ran the criminal network that flew the planes into our buildings is alive and well and his Al Queda network is thriving.
Bush's handling of the Iraq war has been, by almost all accounts, an abysmal failure. He attacked a sovereign nation that had not attacked us: an unprovoked act of aggression followed by a war so poorly planned and so mindlessly executed, that it seems that we may now be setting the country up for many years of either militant theocracy or civil war.
Bush and Co's handling of Katrina: a disastrous response to the greatest natural disaster in our country's history. The full story of the tragedy will inevitably be told over the next few months and years. But the "compassionate" President is the one who slashed FEMA, folded it into another inept government agency, defunded it and then ignored constant pleas from local New Orleans government officials to do something to buttress and repair the vulnerable levees.
Bush is the man who won election by telling Americans that he would bring responsibility back to the White House. He crowed when he entered Washington that the "adults" were back in charge. He calculatedly created the media image of a decisive, can do leader.
But reality has caught up with fiction. His is a thoroughly failed presidency. He has been confronted with enormous challenges and has failed to execute, each time. When employees perform this way, we fire them.
History will remember how this man failed his nation, not necessarily through flawed ideology nor machiavellian intrigue: but rather because the Daddy party under George W Bush turned out to be the Amateur Son Party. He has crafted a government that cannot respond adequately to the major crises of our times. He has blundered, again and again, at times when his country need him most.
George W Bush. The Incompetent President.