Edited on Sun Sep-04-05 09:40 PM by MichiganVote
These are a few things we now know....
1. Nobody told us that our security was now in the hands of what amounts to a "Walmart" of private companies
2. Nobody told us that when the government says 'go here, it will be safe', they really mean, 'go there, we're busy, see ya' when we feel like it
3. Nobody told us that our government sanctions officials such as the original Bush appointee for FEMA declaring that his agency was nothing but a big entitlement program and that it's budget should be slashed. We're sorry, we thought that WE paid for these services to help and protect our black and white communities, black and white friends and black and white family members 4. Nobody told us that we should expect to annihilate the senior citizens of a city, crucify the babies of American black mothers, or butcher the bodies of desperately ill people with neglect in the name of freedom. On our own soil.
5. Nobody told us that the military WE pay for will not protect and defend us when they are busy advancing the interests of one business segment in our society
6. Nobody told us that anything with the name Bush attached to it is entitled to anything and everything and clearly at our expense. Aid to Florida is paramount, aid to any other state, forget it
So these are the people who are clearly on the Republican hit list:
People of color, any color People who belong to any political party other than Republicans Old people Infants Poor people The infirm Gays Non Christians
Oh sure, I know we want to believe its far fetched. But really, watch what they say, watch what they do, believe what they do.