I spent this weekend in LA at a gaming convention where you could feel the anger under the rolling of dice and the consulting of hit locations. People are ANGRY. Of course you could also feel the they did not come in time because them folks were black. Yes people openly talked about the racism... and did such very openly, black, white, latino, did not matter. One of the retailers, she decided to donate all her proceeds from this con to the victims, I never took my change back... and most of us were talking on how this could drive the country to a depression. A young kid who supports bush, well I told him I'll dive him to the recruiter and we really don't want to listen to his BS no more. He got very defensive once he realized he was in a room with oh at least 40 commies who were in lynching mood. The kid actually detected my accent and started going off on how them darn foreigners were ruining the country... I had it, and unloaded on him... and then went back to my demo, and the players said, thanks for saying what we feel we should but can't... oh I could have made a Marine blush... to say the least I was not alone... I don't think that kid will be coming back to that liberal con... he is a hard core bush supporter even now... and even folks who ARE active duty and who were waiting for activation orders, went on him... and actually told him SHUT the F... up with more colorful language than even I could... what I saw this weekend was raw, unrestrained rage. It is not anger any more, it is rage.