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The SCOTUS had already lost its credibility in 2000 election. Why

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bribri16 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 08:06 AM
Original message
The SCOTUS had already lost its credibility in 2000 election. Why
get excited about it now. To me, they are marginalized. No one enforces their rulings anymore and they have become just another faction of the Republican don't even worry. We all know what we are in's not like we will be unprepared. The country has lost its way, hold on for the ride and the coming disaters. We can make them further null and void if we get our voting act together. Keep our hands and eyes on the state and local levels. And instead of just ignoring judges running unopposed, scratch their names off the ballot...I think even unopposed can be beaten using this tactic. We need to all pay more attention to local level politics...where the base is formed.
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jessicazi Donating Member (458 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 08:11 AM
Response to Original message
1. but we are still screwed thanks to
diebold and the other voting machines.
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pretzel4gore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 08:39 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. the gopigs shifts the debate
you see, they PRETEND the 2k election is history ho hum with all that 'unpleasantness' neither here nor there; thus giving each new scheme a legit basis to proceed from. that must be resisted. simply by starting every rebuttal of the gopig's ideas by saying 'bush never won the 2k election' we have, in a fell swoop, undione all their criminal acts, for that is what they are....the dlc etc want to 'let bygones sukk bush' but one of the wonderful aspects of the bush extravaganza is that it forces the hard men in the US society to confront the basic criminality of the rightwing (either that, or the US is effectively destroyed)
listening to pigmedia this morning some wonderfully clueless dj's saying that 'no one knows' what's gone wrong in NOLA, but hopefully the problems now getting fixed...' etc shows that the corruption of the culture isn't cosmetic; it's deep and it is going to kill everybody on earth, probably sooner then anyone thinks; or there must be a restucturing of ownership of public property like media (all business is the publics', or certainly should be) esp. in order for harsh truth to be exposed and policies developed with them in mind....
lol is all anyone can say to that!
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