but think of it this way. Your chances of winning that lottery may have just increased markedly now that tens of thousands of former Louisiana and Mississippi residents have just been shafted and shafted hard by BushCo and are not, I'm sure, ever likely to forget about it - certainly not before the upcoming congressional elections next year. And of course many, myself included, will join them in their outrage when we all gather at the polling places. I will admit, however, that Diebold could effectively counter our efforts. One must remember that free elections in this country largely went the way of the dinosaur back in 2000. Still, I think it would be a good deal harder to fix the elections of many congressional candidates than to fix the election of a single president (or in Dubya's case, a single pResident).
In summary, while it is surely tragic that it could take something like Katrina to wake the voters of this country up, this devastating storm may in fact ultimately do just that. In the aftermath of the death, destruction, and untold needless suffering stemming from Bushco's slow response to this disaster and its funding cuts for the improvement of the levees, I think that with the 2006 elections just around the corner impeachment is not necessarily as far fetched a concept as it once might have been. Hold on to that lottery ticket, my friend. You just might have a winner.