Edited on Tue Sep-06-05 12:51 PM by SomewhereOutThere424
I know a body of water the size of lake champlain is continually treated with toxins and, as stated above, enzymes which corrode chemicals aswell as treating chemicals is annually applied to the lake in sections or in whole. This process takes, often, a week or less for treatment to be resolved, atleast for the areas in which I live by. If we're not going to be able to successfully pump everything until the middle of october anyway, which has been stated, treatment SHOULD be the very first course of action.
Consider some facts: hurricanes filled with chemicals that slowly diverge into smaller storms will includes chemicals involving in acid rain and other chemical side effects.
Though some people consider this a matter of science fiction, due to chemicals in my region of lake champlain being dumped there are many side effects. Including multiple headed fish being caught. This may seem like a minor consequence but for toxic animals or fish, or even insects, this is dangerous to not be rid of this immediately. Diluting will NOT fix the problem, only spread it. Even a small amount of toxin can be deadly in some cases, especially to this degree. It will not dilute into the mainstream of the ocean if it sits in the gulf, due to the tidal structure of the gulf to begin with, for a matter of years.
It's extremely important people not ignore this fact and mention it to anyone they can. Senators, governors, anyone who can listen. We are building future disasters which can effect a far greater spectrum of the united states through ignorance, and the fact in the face of a greater disaster people are still finding ways to commit evils.
I know this may sound callous, maybe even conceited, to mention it like this. I cannot stress strongly enough there are many fragile factors in this, not just animals and environment but human beings aswell, which can and will slip through the cracks while the world's eyes are turned to things of greater concern. Though the main concern is huge and SHOULD be looked at, it also increases the severity of the things they will try to get away with.
Anything should be done properly and with a cool head, and the lack of care taken to deal with this disaster thus far is not a justifiable factor to continue doing so. If anyone can refute what I have to say -- then I say this. At the very least it's conducted with a cool head and solution. Is what they're focusing on that, or a simple solution? It should be scrutinized, even if what they're doing can be aided to be the most efficient as possible. Ignoring the handling of this situation is no longer a healthy option for the american people.