There’s Ultimately No One to Blame but the President
Eugene Robinson asks “Now what?” in today’s WaPo.
After a tragically incompetent beginning, the effort to give urgent care to the multitudes from New Orleans whose homes and livelihoods have been obliterated is finally in high gear. The problem now is that nobody knows where it’s headed.
At the top, things are still hopeless…
Across the Gulf region, cities not blasted by Katrina, are filled with evacuees. Texas and other neighboring states are looking others to help. Evacuees are being airlifted to every corner of the country. Robinson says, “Their host communities have the best of intentions, but many won’t be able to stand the added drain on resources indefinitely. Where will these people go? Why wasn’t there a plan?”
That’s when I start my finger-pointing, because a few days in and around this ground zero have convinced me that there are two things the federal government failed to do, and that for these failures there’s ultimately no one to blame but the president.