To the Editor, So NORTHCOM was ordered to cool its heels and not go in after the disaster struck, per BBC Reporting. All the requests from Governor Blanco, up to 72 hours before teh disaster were ignored. Hell, the funding of the levy project was slashed so luxury projects can be porked out to Alaska. The Dallas News is reporting the Orange County Search and Rescue is cooling its heels at the Dallas Hyatt and now the talking point is that there is "enough blame to go around." Sorry, we are not buying. The buck stops with the President, said Harry Truman, and it is time Mr Bush takes it. He is responsible, and he has been incompetent to the nth degree. It is time for Mr. Bush to tend his resignation, with the rest of the administration. If he is unable or unwilling to do such, the GOP most show a spine and love of country instead of party, and work with the Democrats to impeach this administration. The Democrats are willing to introduce the articles, and Impeachment and subsequent trial for all the crimes and misdemeanors committed by this administration has to follow. Enough is enough, and we even had our let them eat cake moment today on Larry King. Oh and it is time for the papers in this country to do their job as the fourth estate and stop shilling for the administration. I fear the alternative, but let them eat cake seems to be the attitude of the plutocracy.