for those of you who watched little Scotty McClellan get beat on today, i'm sure you would have loved to see bush fielding all those questions instead ...
it's time, with a partially awakened press, and a country that witnessed the latest colossal failure of leadership in all its glory, to parade the naked emperor before the American people ...
imagine the following scene as bush pleads for help at the press conference (which isn't going well) through the "wire" he's wearing under his coat:
Captain bush: bridge to engine room, acknowledge.
Voice of little Scotty McClellan: < through control panel > Scotty here, Captain.
Captain bush: What in blazes is going on, Scotty?
Voice of little Scotty McClellan: I dinna know, Captain. We're losing power, and I don't know why!
Captain bush: Well, do something, man! Go to manual override. Cut in auxiliary systems.
Voice of little Scotty McClellan: Saints preserve us, Captain, but even the emergency systems are out.
Captain bush: Well, fix it, Scotty. I don't care how, but fix it! The lives of 430 neo-cons hang in the balance.
Mr. Spock: Life support system are still operative, Captain.
Captain bush: But for how long, Mr.Spock? For how long? Lieutenant Uhura, inform Starfleet Command of our situation.