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A way to play the blame game...Good idea?

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madmadmad Donating Member (368 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 12:49 AM
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A way to play the blame game...Good idea?
Since according to the President it is the state and local government's responsibility to evacuate, rescue, provide relief supplies, etc., for their citizens, write your Mayors and Governors and ask them if they have sufficient resources to do so, should a disaster strike in your area in the near future. Maybe if 50 Governors realize they can't do it without their full National Guard contingents, it might make a difference.

Here's the letter I sent to Ahnold and Villaraigosa:

Dear Mayor Villaraigosa,

In light of the recent disaster in New Orleans, I'd like to know how the City of Los Angeles is prepared to handle a similar disaster, such as a catastrophic earthquake or tsunami. Since President Bush has made it clear that it is the responsibility of the state and local authorities to provide means of evacuation, to ensure relief supplies such as food, water and blankets get to the affected areas, as well as provide enough military, fire and police personnel to ensure order and rescue people in danger, I'd like to know if we have sufficient resources to handle such an emergency if it should happen in the near future. I am especially concerned since I know so many California National Guard troops and equipment are already deployed in Iraq and in the Katrina affected states. Can you please assure the people of Los Angeles that the City as well the State, has a plan in place, and the necessary resources to protect our lives in the event of such an emergency, even (God forbid) if it were to happen in the next few weeks?

I think this is something all Angelenos should be thinking about, and I hope you will address this issue on a citywide level soon. In the meantime, though I know your office is busy, if someone could answer my query via email or letter, it would greatly allay my fears.

Thank you very much.

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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 02:22 AM
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1. Have I said before I hate it when we parrot or ape their words?
1) this isn't a game

2) Blame is a word the GOP has been putting out there in order to make it the "word of the week". They love to control vocabulary. Even if they cannot control - their ability to act decisively & with conscience during a disaster.

Someone else pointed out how it wasn't about blame. It was about responsibility.
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