Cost to shore up Levee's prior to Katrina: $1.4Billion......
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Wed Sep-07-05 09:46 AM
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Cost to shore up Levee's prior to Katrina: $1.4Billion...... |
Cost to clean up after levee's failed: $200Billion Blaming Democrats for your lack of foresight? Priceless
Rethuglicard: Don't Destroy New Orleans without it....
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Wed Sep-07-05 09:53 AM
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That's also about a week in Iraq, right?
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Wed Sep-07-05 10:03 AM
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That is what blows my mind...for the cost of one week's occupation N.O could have not only been protected against Katrina, but many more future hurricanes as well...For seven lousy days of 'Dick and George's Excellent Invasion'.....
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:59 PM
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