ad infinitum. That is all they want to talk about. What a wonderful person he was, almost walked on water, yadda, yadda, yadda. (Think Sessions is going to start crying.) Talk about anything of substance? No way. They have a script and they are sticking to it.
The Dems are giving nice platitudes to Rehnquist ("liked the man, disagreed with his views") then demanding, begging, pleading that the Senate get down to business AS SOON AS THE FUNERAL IS OVER. Said there is too much stuff to work on. They are hitting the majority leadership for shelving military funding for NRA law suit protection, not wanting to address Katrina funding, wanting to put back on the agenda law the estate tax appeal. Overall, the Dems are being respectful but firm - let's get to work.
This is just a guess - I'm betting the repugs are fuming. They wanted a day of all Rehnquist, all day.