I posted this a while back regarding the similarity of our situation to that which was described in either "Atlas Shrugged" or in "The Fountainhead":
Does anyone remember “The Fountainhead” or “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand? In each, she described similar societies, ones in which “looters” using “the politics of pull” received contracts for their companies which were so beneficial, so competition-destroying that able and otherwise profitable and viable businesses went under while the inept looters remained. The situation quickly became untenable; collapse was imminent. Only lies came from their communications media, whose believability and relevance diminished daily.
While I believe there are many flaws with objectivist reasoning, the analogy is accurate: She could’ve been describing our current times. Why is it OK? Is our mainstream media so beholden to this administration as to preclude accurate reporting? Now we have a public that is uninformed and proud of it.
The following is an excerpt from an article “Why don’t we care about the WMD” written, as indicated, by Michelle Goldberg and posted on a Zogby.com page: “…The question, then, is whether American democracy can survive a citizenry that either doesn't know or doesn't care if its leaders tell the truth. At the very least, observe some experts, public ignorance, apathy or denial could change the kind of democracy under which Americans live.” (6/19/2003) - By Michelle Goldberg, Salon
I submit the answer is no, our society cannot survive such a citizenry. Whether the topic is the environment, WMD’s, a fictional connection between Iraq and Al Qaida or corporate involvement in government policy, facts must be known, used and respected. I further submit that those who maintain such an appalling and abysmal disconnect from reality pose a clear danger to our republic. I also believe that such ignorance might be exploited in that once identified, a person who attempts to maintain support for Shrub and his destructive and divisive policies in the face of facts which, ah, shall we say, make it difficult to do so will probably feel angry and then foolish - angry for having their views successfully challenged and foolish for having ignored the actual facts. Of course this assumes one is discussing a well-meaning American and not a looter!