Someone from the Bush Administration`s Office of Message Control deserves a pink slip. Cheney was supposed to star in a lily-white Rovian photo op, but somehow a guy blew that up with an unauthorized burst of honesty. What a sterling moment.Go F--K yourself, Mr. Death. Cheney is one of those salt-in-your-wounds guys. He should have stayed in Wyoming and had a cookout with his Caucasian friends.
A quick scan of today`s poll numbers for Bush suggests there may be trouble in paradise. Neither a gazillion I-LIKE-MIKE FEMA fliers nor Laura`s Stepford mourning erased the detachment highlighted in Bush`s recent AF1 photo. AWOL PRESIDENT PEERS AT DISASTER FROM SAFE DISTANCE. Hovering, not helping. Almost as embarrassing as watching him tell "Brownie" he was doing one heck of a job while toddlers floated by without a life jacket.
This hurricane symbolizes what Bush has done to this entire country. Tax cuts during war time. Self-regulating polluters. New bankruptcy laws. Record gas and oil prices. Obscene drug prices. Outsourced jobs. The reign of the Have Mores.
If the folks screaming for help had been rule makers in a gated community or backslappers from inside the beltway, Bush and "Brownie" would have moved quicker than a new Halliburton contract.