Anyone, and I do mean anyone...who believes they would want to be treated in this manner, after suffering a disaster of this magnitude, through no fault of their own...needs to stop and consider it for just a second...
Could someone please explain to me, what the condition of the people contained for 5 month's duration, not counting what they have already been through, will be?? They can't leave the camp...they are 75 miles out and plumb in the sticks, their meals will be delivered?...that they will be guarded. I have NO doubt, otherwise there is NO way anyone could be kept from leaving...in short, THEY WILL BE PRISONERS....I want to know WHY??? After 5 months, which will be in the dead of winter, will they automatically be turned loose? To what? With NO jobs, NO homes, NOTHING? Obviously while they are in that place, they will NOT be able to make any attempt to look for employment, a place to live, or straighten out the messes their lives are currently in...WHAT IS the hidden purpose in this?? Does this sound like something you would want to go through? Maybe it's a giant science experiment?
You know what I think? Anyone who's bright RED warning flags are not flying by now..are in some kind of stupor, they need to arise from...I have seen other pictures of evacuees in compounds, behind barbed wire, not allowed to leave, and with military guards...I don't like it..I see some seriously malevolent indications in treating fellow humans, who are already suffering something terrible, in this manner.
I'm going to venture a theory, because I can't fathom the whys, unless...(understand this is jmo only)..it's just possible, that none of the people who go into one of these camps, will ever be seen again....a virulent disease will break out, or some other such thing will happen, and will wipe out the whole camp...remember, they've been exposed to a lot of toxic waste.....A reason will be given, that seems on the surface, totally plausible...and since so many people are displaced in so many far flung camps/cities/towns nationwide, who'd know who's actually gone..except the gov't, whose taking names...The PUBLIC will never know who actually went missing in that hurricane or in one of these camps.....because I believe they intend to bulldoze NO, to cover the true number of dead, even though that won't be the reason given for doing so(Hastert has already said they should do just that)...
I hope I am wrong, but this whole situation just does NOT, and HAS NOT added up..from the very get go...and it becomes more strange every damned day. Sinister even...would it be so hard to believe that the perfect opportunity Katrina provided, has been seized upon..(think nwo) windbreeze