and Rescue Teams
HOUSE CUTS 80 PERCENT OF SEARCH AND RESCUE FUNDING FOR 2005 Funding for the nation's 28 Urban Search and Rescue Task Forces was cut by more than 80 percent and may be forced to curtail activities under fiscal 2005 funding levels proposed by the House of Representatives, task force officials said this week.Funding for the 28 specialized teams would drop by more than 80 percent, from $60 million in fiscal 2004 to $7 million in fiscal 2005, under the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill , HR 4567, approved by the House last June. The task forces, funded through the department's
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), each have about 200 highly trained volunteers. Each task force is split into three teams of about 70 members, allowing rescue operations to work around the clock.
Got to pay those "tax cuts for fat cats," you know. As always, priority #1 for the GOP!