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Borrow and Spend Republicans

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designforce Donating Member (98 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-05 06:34 PM
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Borrow and Spend Republicans
Borrow and Spend Republicans

By DForce

As the world watches the United States sink into third world status, the Republican Party continues their agenda of destroying all vestiges of our federal government.


Do Republicans truly believe that ‘government is the problem’ as Ronald Regan pronounced?

Or do they just believe in serving their corporate masters?

Here is what I have concluded:

1. The Republican Party is splintered and under the control of an extreme right wing element.
2. Those right wing zealots do in fact serve corporate interest over the interests of our country and our people.
3. Lobbyists who represent their corporate masters have reaped a windfall at the expense of us, the people.

With that said, if this trend is allowed to continue we will in fact lose our country, and we will in fact become a third world country where we ordinary citizens will be made to suffer a life of poverty and servitude.

On the bright side, here is what will happen to the corporate interests who feed on the taxpayers:

1. Corporations will lose their windfall of tax dollars as the federal government discontinues providing services of any kind.
2. Corporate leaders will be amazed when the money runs dry and it finally dawns of them that they will have to actually earn their money in an honest manner.
3. Corporations will be destroyed when American consumers can no longer consume.

What the Republican zealots know, but their corporate masters fail to understand, is that their final goal IS the total divesture of the federal government of any obligations to the people. And once that goal is achieved, and they are able to drown the federal government in a bath tub just as you would a helpless child, their work will be nearly completed. They will then divest the Red States of any obligations towards their citizens. Then and only then will the corporate leaders realize that they are also losers. As our country slides into poverty and internal strife, they will be destroyed along with the federal government.

For your corporate lurkers, here is why I believe what I do:

1. Why would a contract have to be let for rebuilding in the event of a natural disaster if the federal government has no interest in doing so? No FEMA, no other agencies.
2. There will be no contracts for administering federal programs such as Medicare because there will be no Medicare.
3. There will be no contracts for building interstates because there will be no federal authority left to do so, no NTSB, no Highway Dept, nothing. I guess some company can take the risk and build their own road and hope that somebody is willing to pay a fee to use it.
4. There will be a drastic reduction in private hospitals as Medicare and Medicaid are terminated. And you bottom line CEOs in the medical profession thought you were so smart.

And on and on. I guess it won’t be so bad, I know how to take care of myself, my wife and I can hunt, fish, and survive. Just what every western democracy should become, a country of self centered survivalists. I wonder how the pampered Republican elite will be able to survive when the regular folk come for them. Will they scream, cry, and beg for their lives? Or will they face their fate with the same zeal that they currently display as they destroy our country and its institutions.

I wonder, will I see this occur in America, or will we stop it. Will we progressives, liberals, democrats, greens, etc ban together to take these Republican zealots down?

I hope so, I truly hope so…

Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
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elehhhhna Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-05 06:47 PM
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1. Borrow & steal, from the look of their results.
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