kind of struggle going on between the indictable and the non-indictable, and possibly between pro-Bush vs pro-Cheney. Bush's performance in the first days of Katrina was beyond incompetent. It was flabbergasting--like he had been abandoned by his handlers. (How could they have let him be photographed cutting birthday cake, with a chunk of the country being wiped off the map and thousands dying? No one in charge? Deliberate sabotage?) Then, it took them days to gear up any kind of spin. Very puzzling. I have little doubt that the misdirection of the helicopters that were to sandbag the levee, the almost universal and quick loss of all communications systems, the failure to provide aid, the obstruction of aid that others offered, and the murderous neglect of poor black Americans in the Superdome and the Convention Center were deliberate (Halliburton, Bechtel, Fluor, et al, needed a new excuse to loot federal coffers, now that the Iraq war is in disrepute in the corporate media), but the failure of the spinmeisters is astonishing, and certainly points to division and disarray.
While Bush was visibly AWOL, Cheney was invisibly so. "Gone fishing" in Wyoming. Showed no interest at all, until Halliburton got the first contract, then he emerged from his rathole, and canceled a planned trip to Canada "due to Katrina." (I also read he was purchasing an estate in...Maryland was it? Or Maine?--while 2+ million Americans were losing their homes).
Bush playing guitar, eating birthday cake. Cheney "gone fishing," buying a second home (or third, or tenth?). Rice purchasing $2000 shoes in New York. Rumsfeld - can't recall what it was - on vacation somewhere.
Nobody minding the storeFRONT.
These may be deliberate messages to America, to get used to the casual and unapologetic cruelty of the rich and powerful. I do think there is something to that (psyops). But this was a bit much, even for them. Can their contempt for the rest of us have been more nakedly obvious? Did they really want to be so naked? Or was it the result of in-fighting--driven by fear of Treasongate?
Meanwhile, Halliburton, Bechtel and Fluor are cleaning out our treasury once again. THAT's what we really should be paying attention to--not Bush's political troubles. (He's history; they need a War Democrat to do a better war in the Middle East; get a Draft--which Bush can't do; consolidate all their mind-boggling financial and legal gains; and maybe throw some sops to the unwashed masses, like NOT looting Social Security). What we really need to concentrate on is getting some of our money back. We haven't had much success in California (in recovering the $9 billion that Enron stole, or the $80 some billion total of Texas energy company theft--thanks a lot, Arnold!). But we need reparations even more at the national level. It may be satisfying to see Bush's downfall, or to see some of them in orange jumpsuits for treason and thievery. But the thievery has been so great that we really must try to recover some of it, or the country will quite literally go bankrupt. The War Dem is going to be saddled with essential revocation of some of the tax cuts for the rich, as it is. (You want to hear pigs squeal? Wait til that happens!) I'm hoping for prosecution of the war profiteers, and recovery of some of the funds. But I'm not too hopeful about it, since installation of the War Democrat will likely be aimed at preventing any serious accounting.
Nothing much can be done until we recover our right to vote (which our Dem election officials sold out to Diebold and ES&S--with their SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code for the tabulation of all our votes--in exchange for lavish lobbying perks and the heady power of brokering these big business deals that our election systems have become). Election reform needs to be our first priority, whatever happens with all the political fallout (--into 'Boston Harbor' with their election theft machines, I say!).
We're not going to see the nomination of any antiwar populist (by a major party)--or any real recovery from utter madness that we have suffered in every corner of the federal government, or any real accountability--as long as Bush Cartel operatives own and control the voting system.