I got this an email today. It is an easy way to write to your Senator about this Brownie craola.
------- Original Message --------
Subject: President CLUELESS Stands by FEMA'S Michael Brown
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 03:54:39 -0800
From: The Pen <activist.gb@gmail.com>
To: xxxx
Lowering the integrity standard yet again, President Bush declared today that anybody executed for treason would no longer work in his administration. No, he didn't actually say that . . . but seriously now, how incompetent and inept does one have to be to lose his job as a crony of this president? Consider Michael Brown, whose criminal inaction turned a survivable hurricane into a category 5 catastrophe for the entire Gulf Coast. And now we learn that the ONLY previous emergency management experience on Brown's resume was faked! We all know that Bush is not interested in playing the indictment game, so isn't it time that we finally demand some accountability? Demand that Bush FIRE Michael Brown immediately.
http://www.usalone.net/fema.htmThe president did actually say that "Brownie," his pet name for the FEMA director, was doing "a heck of job" in the aftermath of the storm. Of course he also said that nobody could have anticipated that the levees would break. Although dire warnings from every quarter had predicted exactly that looming danger (see National Geographic, Oct. 2004, for example), Bush axed their repair and maintenance budgets. And he put in charge of the agency that would respond to a major terrorist attack a man with no experience and no credentials except as a frat boy bootlicker. Tell your members of Congress that Brown must go NOW, before the next disaster in the making cripples the rest of our economy.
http://www.usalone.net/fema.htmYou can use the one-click action page above to instantly transmit your personal message to all your members of Congress, and, at the same time, send a Letter to the Editor of your nearest daily newspaper. There is more information on the site about the Roberts nomination, and please check out also --
http://www.OpEdNews.com, the best source of real news and opinion on the web. Write your senators and representative now and tell them to take some personal responsibility for stopping the crony corruption of George Bush.