In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we're seeing several celebrities coming out and criticizing the handling of the disaster relief by President Bush and his administration. And in knee-jerk response, the right-wing talk show shills are pounding the Hollywood-Liberal agenda message.
First off, there are as many Hollywood celebrities standing behind Bush and have been outspoken for right-wing causes.
Second, here is a list of Hollywood celebrities who hold or recently held elected offices: Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Fred Grandy, Fred Thompson, Sonny Bono, Charlton Hesston.
You can add sports celebrities, who can be just as aloof and narrow-minded for right-wing causes. Here are some Republicans I can come up with off the top of my head: Jim Bunning, Steve Largent, JC Watts, Tom Osborne, Jack Kemp.
I can only come up with one prominent Democrat who held a prominent, elected office - Jerry Springer, mayor of Cincinnati. I can only come up with one sports celebrity - Senator Bill Bradley (New Jersey).
Feel free to add to the list.