you see masses of suffering black people, who do you blame?:
-The Feds
-State and local governments
-“Black culture”
How do you determine scientific consensus?
-Poll scientists to see what the majority position is
-Carefully weigh the scientific research published in peer reviewed journals
-Chemicals are good for you.
Someone has just given a well reasoned critique of the Bush administration, citing facts and numerous well documented examples of negligence. Do you:
-Offer contrary facts rebutting each of those charges in a methodical but polite manner
-Blame Democrats for the blame game.
Do you define truth as:
-The state of being the case, the body of real things, events, and facts
-What Bush says
Suppose that Bush has previously admitted that he did not volunteer to go to Vietnam. Now Bush is saying that he has in fact volunteered in Vietnam and earned Three Purple Hearts. Which is true?
-Bush volunteered
-Bush did not volunteer
Cognitive dissonance is:
-The disparity between what one wants to be true and what one knows to be true
-A term of which I choose to believe does not exist
Facts are:
-Whatever backs up my policy.
-To be dismissed due to their clear liberal agenda
Suppose that Iraq has broken out into civil war, which spreads and leads to totalitarian theocracies throughout the Middle East, and nuclear warheads bought from North Korea by our Pakistani and Saudi allies are launched, destroying every major city in the US. This is evidence of:
-The failure of Bush's War on Terror
-The insurgency is in its last throes.
What is more responsible for crime?
-Planned Parenthood
Was the last person you beat up?:
-A member of a minority group
-I'm not that particular about who I beat up
You have just been granted extraordinary new powers by the Patriot Act to track down terrorists. Do you use these powers to:
-Infiltrate terrorist cells
-Infiltrate anti-war groups
-Find out what if your neighbor's been checking out Harry Potter books at the library
After hurricane Katrina, you are put in charge of directing donations to the charity of your choice. Do you choose:
-The Red Cross
-A group used by televangelists to supply mining operations in Africa and enrich African tyrants
The Republican Party is in control of all three branches of government, and the news media. As the party of responsibility, who do you blame _____?
-The buck stops here.
-Michael Moore
A mother has lost three sons fighting the War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is a member of the National Guard and has been awarded numerous medals for valor. She lost all four limbs in a roadside bomb. She is a lifelong Republican and active member of the local Church of Christ and has voted for Bush twice. But she does not support the President's plan to privatize social security. Do you:
-Recognize that everyone is entitled to her opinion
-Set up an organization to smear her for running a sex slave operation for the UN
The war is going badly. Who’s to blame?
-Donald Rumsfeld
-Dick Cheney
-Cindy Sheehan
New Orleans has been in chaos for several days after the flooding. You see a picture on the news of a black man wading through the water with a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. What is the first thing that comes to mind?
-He is found the items in a local grocery store
-He looted the local Quickie Mart
-Get a job
A man is dead. A trail of blood leads to the President’s Bronco. Fingerprints matching the President are on the handle and steering wheel. A bloody glove is found in the front lawn of the White House, and blood and hair follicles are found on the President’s clothes, all matching the victim. Who is the prime suspect in this crime?
-A liberal
-The black man carrying bread and water in the photo
-OJ Simpson
They have a video tape of the President’s confession. On the tape, he says, “I killed the bastard, and I’m glad I did it.” In his confession, he admits to mugging for the police surveillance camera outside the victim’s home. Who do you suspect now?
-The liberal police department
-Dan Rather for doctoring the video
-The black man in the photo
Your mother is a witness to the crime. She’s willing to testify against the President in court. What do you think now?
-Still got to go with the black man in the photo
-Okay, this does look a little suspicious. Call Karl Rove.
-They got to you, too, mom!
That night, you are visited by your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who begs – no, pleads – with you to please, open your eyes and admit the facts in front of you or risk damning your soul to eternal hell fire! What is the first thing that comes to mind now?
-All right, all right, the bastard did it.
-Why isn’t the media looking into all the people Nancy Pelosi killed?