followers should be questioned, at every parking lot, at every line-up in the big box store, at every church service, in every office, on every street corner...why do you think your leader is all white light? Why do you fall for his doses of fear? Why do you let him teach & promote hate to your kids? Why do you let him diminish the country and the power of democracy? Why do you think he will protect you - when your kids have a greater chance of dying from environmental decay than from a terrorist? Why do you insist on accepting bad information? Why do you let your leaders lead you into adolescence and teach you not to feel, let alone think? Why do you believe it is "free market" at play when in fact it is corporate welfare and the dumping of your money into the stock market (through debt caused by tax cuts") to keep the rich happy? Why are the middle class & poor the only ones fighting inflation with lower wages and lesser jobs? What have Bush's elites sacrificed?