Edited on Sat Sep-10-05 03:29 PM by salin
Her statements horrified me. However, as I was on the road today - I had this thought... and saw great irony - she is (albeit unintentionally) condemning the administrations of her hubby (as vp and pres) and son.
Think about what she said - even if it wasn't her intent: (my interpretation by adding reality to her crass statements of last week. Editted for clarity - below are not babs words, but salin's.
For seventeen of the past twenty-five years, my husband or son has been the number one or number two policy maker/most powerful person in this country, and in that time the conditions for the poor has gotten so bad - that living with thousands others on cots, separated from family, in a football stadium - is an improvement in our condition.
Ironic, isn't it. Pretty harsh indictment of her son and husband. Of course this wasn't her intent - but if she really believes the conditions for those stuck in the Astrodome is an improvement for how they lived before - there is no other single family in America that has as much direct responsibility for that situation. Tax policies, privatization as a means to use public dollars primarily for corporate enrichment, with absolute utter disregard for economic disparities or people living in great poverty for whom she believes this current situation "is an improvement."
Had the statement come from some other source - it could almost be seen as a rallying cry for a new war on poverty. But from bushantionette land - nah - just another attempt to try project a "things are great! now stop criticizing my boy!"
And yet there it is... implied in her words... that though her husband (12 years as vp or pres) and son (five years as pres) have been in power for 17 of the last 25 years... She believes the poor live in such abject circumstances - that sardining it on cots in the astrodome is an improvement. Pretty big indictment of their administrations - dontcha think?