y William L. Watts, MarketWatch
Last Update: 10:22 AM ET Sept. 8, 2005
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - President Bush's tax-reform panel late Tuesday cancelled two September meetings, and is pondering whether to delay a final report as the government wrestles with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
The nine-member panel was due to submit its report detailing ways to overhaul and simplify the tax code to Treasury Secretary John Snow by Sept. 30. Committee members are "having ongoing discussions to determine when the panel's final report will be delivered to the Treasury secretary," said Jeffry Kupfer, the panel's executive director, in a statement.
The panel had been scheduled to meet Wednesday and on Sept. 15.
"There is mutual agreement among the chair, vice-chair, panel members, Treasury Department and the White House to postpone our two upcoming meetings," Kupfer said. The tax panel meetings will be rescheduled and announced at another date, Kupfer said.