Baker statement on public housing Friday, September 9, 2005
WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. Richard Baker, R-Baton Rouge, released the following statement today in response to a quote attributed to him by the Wall Street Journal regarding New Orleans public housing:
“Today I am taken aback and perturbed by a comment wrongly attributed to me. For almost two decades I have fought for New Orleans public housing residents, touring Desire and other housing residences many times, conducting field hearings, and requesting HUD Inspector General investigations over the poor conditions. One of those inquiries concluded that the housing authority in New Orleans squandered hundreds of millions of dollars and that the families were forced to live in substandard, indecent conditions, and led to an actual takeover of the housing authority by federal authorities. With that as background, what
I remember expressing, in a private conversation with a housing advocate and member of my staff, was that ‘we have been trying for decades to clean up New Orleans public housing to provide decent housing for residents, and now it looks like God is finally making us do it.’"
“Obviously I have never expressed anything but the deepest concern about the suffering that this terrible catastrophe has caused for so many in our state, and my comment was a demonstration of my frustration over this unacceptable longstanding inability to improve the living conditions of New Orleans public housing residents. Since Katrina struck, I have visited thousands of New Orleans-area evacuees in relief centers in Baton Rouge and have arranged for federal agencies to visit them and provide them with assistance. And I have been working with area Congressmen, particularly Congressman Jefferson who represents so much of the hurricane-damaged area in question, to press for needed changes.
“The people in my district know that I led the effort to improve public housing in Old South Baton Rouge through obtaining an $18.6 million HOPE VI grant. Those who know me know that I am a champion of public housing residents and would never have meant them any offense. And those who know me also know that I will be a lead advocate for making sure Katrina victims have the best housing opportunities and options available going forward.”, he can remember exactly what he said.