Edited on Sun Sep-11-05 09:37 AM by Benhurst
what's left of September:
12 Chocolate Milk Shake Day (celebrated at White House with cookies, just before afternoon nap)
12 National Pet Memorial Day (Barney hides, hoping not be dropped on his head during a picture op)
13 National Peanut Day (This day hasn't been celebrated since 1980)
13 Defy Superstition Day (This day is usually not observed. Back to the White House for exercise and video games.}
13 Fortune Cookie Day (Day to be spent fund-raising)
13 Positive Thinking Day (dropped from schedule -- too strenuous)
14 National Cream-Filled Donut Day (Now that's a day to celebrate!)
15 Make Hat Day ("work" day at the White House) 16 Collect Rocks Day (Day set aside for biking and picking rocks out of tires)
16 Mayflower Day (Day spent remembering first corrupt Bush to land in America)
16 Mexican Independence Day (Yeah. Sure.)
16 Working Parents Day (Not celebrated. No Bush has actually worked since 1620. A day spent playing video games and napping)
16 Women's Friendship Day (Time to hit up on Condi)
17 POW/MIA Day (Takes full day off. Really identifies with those Missing in Action)
17 Apple Dumpling Day (Nothing scheduled. Thought all apples were now grown in China, anyway.)
17 Citizenship Day (gather up some more ferners to fight in Iraq Day)
17 Constitution Day (This was on the schedule, but it has been shredded)
18 International Peace Day (Yeah, sure. Business as usual)
19 International Talk Like A Pirate Day (A "work" day for Dubya, but celebrated by Dick Cheney)
19 National Butterscotch Pudding Day (A "work" day at the White House, with a short break taken for Pudding and viewing an old tape of "Romper Room.")
19 National Play Doh Day (One of Dubya's favorites-- usually celebrated at Camp David)
20 Oktoberfest, in Germany, ends October 5 (one of the Bush Crime Family's favorite celebrations. Even Prescott used to tie one on for this. Celebration somewhat subdued following the loss of family Adolf Hitler.)
20 National Punch Day (A great favorite of Dubya's, usually celebrated alone at the Pig Farm)
21 Miniature Golf Day (Another favorite. Time taken off to play and recover from National Punch Day)
21 World Gratitude Day (May not be celebrated this year -- none of the invited guests came last year)
22 Business Women's Day (Yeah, sure! A day of "work" and exercise at the White House, with additional time off to recover from Punch Day}
22 Dear Diary Day (A day spent a work, large black crayon in hand)
22 Elephant Appreciation Day (A great favorite at the Bush White House. Barbara drops by for a visit and a few snide remarks)
22 Native American Day (Yeah, sure. As any good Texan knows, "the only good Injun is ... " )
23 Checkers Day (Nothing scheduled. Isn't that Little Tony's vacation house? What's that doing on the list?)
24 Good Neighbor Day (Time to review the pardon list and take a few jabs at Canada)
24 Rabbit Day (No longer celebrated since bad press over inserting firecrackers into frogs and other small animals, blowing them up)
25 National Comic Book Day (Day set aside to select volumes for The George Walker Bush Library)
26 National Pancake Day (Celebrated at breakfast, followed by a nap and video games)
27 Crush a Can Day (Celebrated at the ranch -- alone with Pickles)
28 Good Neighbor Day ( Who typed up this list, anyway? Might as well take the day off)
28 Ask a stupid question Day (Another vacation, spent at Camp David with the White House Press Corps)
29 Confucius Day (Who?)