This is a modified letter i wrote to a family member. I figured it applied to all Republicans who have yet to see the light despite current events-hence the re-post. Well here ya go....
"Dear Republicans,
I don’t know if your collective brains are glazed over from money lust or from a need for a strong father figure who would never ever lie to his faithful....Well that’s not important but you must 1st realize you have a problem to be able to cure it.
The recent events must have surely opened some doubt in their abilities. How do you explain to your children about the people being left to die?. Good people, working folk for the most part but dirt poor. The suffering did not know skin color but it did have a demarcation point on a monetary level.
So as not to argue the cause of the neglect I am quoting a article from today."When Hurricane Katrina struck, it appears there was no one to tell President Bush the plain truth: that the state and local governments had been overwhelmed, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was not up to the job and that the military, the only institution with the resources to cope, couldn't act without a declaration from the president overriding all other authority".
What stands out is the ineptitude & appointment to key positions of inside cronies- that killed so many. Surely you would agree that our tax dollars would have been better spent here in America protecting our citizens & it’s infrastructures.
Today is also the 4th anniversary of a horrid horrid event. One that should have never happened. No able danger Clinton blame argument. There is ample documentation as to the warnings the outgoing administration gave the new administration. Not to mention ignoring over 100 individual warnings after they took office. Most infamous is the August 6 2001 PDB labeled “Osama determined to strike within US”. It outlined airliner attacks on buildings. Also FBI agents trying to report strange goings on at flight schools in Fla & Az...Only to be stymied by the administration & not investigated. Nope, can’t blame Clinton. It happened on Bush’s watch.
What made me so ultra left politically was my personal investigation into the events of 9/11.
While I initially believed the official story it was apparent this administration had no great urgency in pursuing Osama but were hell bent for leather to go into Iraq, facts be dammed
Well, after my latest round of being unemployed I began seeking answers. What I found was not pretty but it is truth.
This has so many implications in how we view the world the only correlation I can make is that it is like taking “The Matrix” pill. Your life will never be the same once you learn & can see anew. See the real motivations & the ability behind 9/11.
Are you aware of a document (previously) labeled The Project for a New American Century? It is signed by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Negropante etc... The whole group in charge basically. They all sponsored & signed on to this “project”. In this document they call for “a NEW PEARL HARBOR”. This is to get the US public to accept such things as a reduction of rights & civil liberties & a plan to dominate the dwindling oil reserves in the middle east. They knew well of the impending problems caused by peak oil & our economic dependency on foreign oil. It’s very interesting & you may enjoy reading it.
Well, you know where I’m going with this & like hell you say. Well I believe I can prove to some extent that they did it. If we Democrats had subpeano power we could prove it in any court in the land. Kinda makes you wonder why packing the courts is so important BTW. It’s not them precious fetus’s, they are covering their ass.
Let’s start with the initial lack of response by our Air Force. It is well documented that V.P. Cheney was in charge of war games that day. They mirrored the attack on the towers eerily enough. That still would not have prevented interceptor jets from scrambling & finding out why commercial airliners were doing U-turns with their transponders turned off. Yet the flights continued for almost an hour. Intercept time is MINUTES. Why were the airliners not intercepted as per standard procedures?
Then we have the “football” incident. The president is the “football” to secret service. Whenever there is a perceived threat, no matter how minor-they are to protect the President & remove him from danger. Why then did the football go unprotected? He was aware of the 1st plane hitting the WTC BEFORE he left for his day school photo op. He even mentioned he had seen footage of the plane hitting the tower & that he thought ”what a bad pilot” he had been for hitting the building!(more on that later).Then comes the infamous scene where the President sits there like a lump for almost 10 minutes while he reads “My Pet Goat”. It was obvious at this point to anyone that this was an attack. Why didn’t they protect the football?. He should have been carted away ASAP. That is (again) standard procedure. Yet he stayed an additional 55 minutes & even talked to the children about the attack.
Regarding the “what a bad pilot” comment the President made later. Well funny thing is, even though the President surely has all the latest electronic gadgets in his vehicles, there was NO available footage of the 1st planes impact till a day later when a citizen provided the footage. Hmmmm.
Now, to the WTC collapses. Too detailed to get into but the official story is provable as bunk. The melting points & temp’s are all off. The core construction denied etc...Like I said, lots of science stuff but nevertheless, provable that the plane impacts did not cause the near perfect collapses. What did?. Let’s look at WTC7. Nearly omitted in the official reports WTC7b was the nerve center for the WTC complex. It contained fortified emergency offices, generators & most important-The mainframe data banks. This building never suffered an airliner impact, was of fortified contruction,22 stories with a rectangular design. There were minor debris damage & fires yet the building was never perceived to be in any great danger. In fact Mayor Guiliani used the fortified offices as a command center for the 1st hours after the strikes. Yet this building also collapsed, 1st steel frame building in history to collapse. And it collapsed in a free fall ,into it’s own footprint. That is impossible except in a demolition. Well the owner of that building is actually on film saying he called for the building to be “pulled”. Pulled in this sense can really be used in only one way-as a demolition term. That’s the term used for a building to be destroyed by explosion.
How could they rig the buildings beforehand??? Well Neil Bush was put in charge of security a few months prior to 9/11. The buildings were evacuated & the central cores shut down for the 1st time ever 2 weeks before the attacks. This was supposedly for maintenance. Thereafter the bomb sniffing dogs that normally patrolled the buildings were not allowed in. This is documentable fact ,not heresay.
The Pentagon strike also begs some question. Why no debris field?. After all a airliner should leave some debris right? Check & see-There is virtually no debris & the area around the strike is largely unaffected-even consumable items such as wooden spools & a book left open on a desk-all undamaged. Also the “entry hole” for the airliner is 14 foot in diameter-an airliners gonna squeeze through that & punch consecutive neat holes in concrete for 8 layers. Yeeeeahhh-riiiiight.
Then there is flight 92, the “Hero” plane. I love the story of our brave citizens fighting back & struggling to take back control of the plane. But that’s all it is, a story. The crash sight has been closed till now to hide details left behind by the impact. Details like an engine over a mile from the crash sight & a trail of debris leading to the crash sigh from the engine. That doesn’t sound like a plane that was flown into the ground. In another rare & fateful piece of video the Canadian Air force chief is caught saying that he helped us shoot down that flight on 9/11. So, like the Jessica Lynch story it’s a bit of Hoorah for us but entirely false.
Most telling to me is the actions taken since 9/11. They have tried to avoid any real investigation the entire time. The have never seriously attempted to capture those they claim ti be involved. Yet they work at a feverish pace to establish permanent bases in Iraq.
If this whole P N A C thing really was for the greater good of USA & screw everyone else, why is gasoline so expensive. Why are they allowing record profits at a time of war? Why are they writing checks we can’t cash for everything? W Where is the accountability?. Sad fact is they don’t care. About you, me or anyone who doesn’t contribute the kind of cash necessary to oil their machine, The only ones who can afford to play are corporations. And surely their only concern is the bottom line. The almighty dollar. Not USA, not it’s citizens or it’s infrastructure. Not it’s natural resources. They are all fair game for them in a sick race to the lowest bottom line for maximized profits. People be damned.
So if you really want to support these people I can never forgive you. This is a well thought & heartfelt request for you to stop this madness & help America regain it’s strength. I miss the unity America once had & I mourn the loss of our reputation. Now is the time & you can make a difference. By speaking out. By speaking from your heart & soul as a nation bleeds in anguish & anger. This is me, your fellow American-speaking out. Please listen."