and this is the cliff's notes of this, but they are true believers
he is preaching me on how liberals hate murica, and leach from the system and never sacrifice While you preach I sent a husband to war, tried to volunteer but they would not take me, since he was on the front lines... (forgot the little detail about OCS and enlisted) they also forget that we are free because it is the West the only place where people are allowed to be free So you got that from Rush or Mehlman? But you don't understand, if the west falls then nobody will be free Nope too complex, you are readying Clash of civilizations or the latest from Regnery, the scary part is I can tell where you are taking this from, By the way, while you preach been there done that insofar as the bleeding and sacrificing, so when are you gonna go see the recruiter and how does China holding over 40% of our T Bills square with all this? Oh and by the way they forgot to tell you that you are free because of CLASSICAL LIBERALISM... oh and by the by are we leaching since my husband is getting paid his retired pay?: and you know what that means, don't you? Crickets after that... he either put me on ignore or his head exploded.