Imagine that you are a repub running for re-election in 2006, do
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Sun Sep-11-05 08:32 PM
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Imagine that you are a repub running for re-election in 2006, do |
'ya really want Dubya stumping for you? The cock-up in Iraq is nearly out of the news because of the Katrina fiasco.
Who will they send out? Barney! The only one without guilt. Of course he could still hump your leg or piss on your carpet.
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Sun Sep-11-05 08:37 PM
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1. none of them will be allowed to come but for only the worst ones, |
the most maggotty ones. Barney, I would welcome with both arms. He's a democrat.
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Sun Sep-11-05 08:43 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
4. All dogs are Democrats...all cats are Royalty. Cats have no time |
for politics, they rule by divine right and they know it. Republicans - on the other hand - are weasels.
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Sun Sep-11-05 09:21 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
7. There was this one dog in California |
registered Republican by his master.
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Sun Sep-11-05 09:24 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
8. a whole new meaning to "heel", doesn't it? |
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Sun Sep-11-05 08:38 PM
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2. I would love to have Mr. "Go F*** Yourself" Dick Cheney |
come to stump for me. That way we can hear most of my constituents, who have finally woken up to the moral hole that has become the republican party, tell both of us to "Go f*** yourselves!!!"
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Sun Sep-11-05 08:41 PM
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3. By 2006, Katrina will be a memory and Karl Rove will have |
devised a new/old message for the pugs to gather marriage. If the pugs can't get votes on their laissex faire economic agenda they will get them by the culture war issues and fear mongering.
iconoclastic cat
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Sun Sep-11-05 09:18 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
6. My bet is on immigrants (illegal or otherwise). |
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Sun Sep-11-05 09:07 PM
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5. HEY!!! Leave Barney out of the mix, he's innocent.... |
Bush might do the first (hump your leg) if he thought it would get him somewhere, and we all know he'd *DEFINITELY* piss on your carpet!
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Sun Sep-11-05 09:52 PM
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9. Not me man. Way I see it. Dubya is a leper. n/t |
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Mon Sep-12-05 01:10 AM
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10. Bush is still popular with the GOP base. A pres comes in to 1)raise |
Edited on Mon Sep-12-05 01:10 AM by ISUGRADIA
money and 2) rally the troops. Bush can still do both for the Repubs 3) do no harm to the candidate
Bush has a long way to approach the levels Clinton was at in 1994 when candidates were telling him they did not want him to campaign for them.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:31 PM
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