with the argument of Roe V Wade. Many conservatives would love to see this overturned. They make the claim that if Roe V Wade was over turned nothing would change. Here is a statement from this site:
http://www.yourchristianpresident.com/Assets/Abortion%20and%20Homosexuality/Laura%20Bush%20and%20Roe%20v_%20Wade%20-%20Jan_%2022,%202001.htm<Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Roe v. Wade decision simply took away from the individual states the right to legislate against abortion. In 1973, abortion was illegal in most states, although several had already repealed laws against abortion. Roe struck down all laws prohibiting abortion in the states where such laws existed. If Roe were overturned tomorrow, abortion would still be legal across the nation. However, the 50 sovereign states would then be free to legislate to outlaw abortion altogether, which might happen in some, but not all states. They would be free to pass laws regulating and restricting the practice of abortion without fear of the federal courts intervening and striking them down. Overturning Roe is a matter of state jurisdiction. But it is not, and should not be, the ultimate goal of the pro-life movement.
Our goal has always been to secure legal protection for every innocent human being from conception/fertilization until natural death by establishing their personhood under the law, either through a human life amendment to the Constitution or through the passage of a human life bill granting Fourteenth Amendment protection to the unborn from fertilization.
Will the goal of legal protection of unborn babies from fertilization be advanced during the course of the Bush administration? It appears unlikely. But, perhaps if Mrs. Bush understood that abortion would remain legal, even if Roe v. Wade were overturned, she might change her mind and come to favor at least some legal remedy to the greatest moral, social, and political evil our country has ever experienced. >
So if they make the claim nothing will change why are they so obsessed with overturning it? :eyes: And in the Bible God says that a child isn't born until he/she has the "breath of life." So it seems to me a lot of these conservatives don't know science or what their own Bibles proclaim.