I've said it myself, after a congressional run, that the best qualification for public office is to be a effective telemarketer. There's nothing I hated more than begging people for money. I'm managing a congressional campaign now, and I have to force my candidate to spend hours, upon hours every day begging for money.
It doesn't stop there. Walk past the Capitol building in Washington, and you'll see all these people sitting on the park benches talking on cell phones. These are Congresspersons raising funds for their next run.
Then, along comes this article in the Post. Seems even some of the lobbyists are getting tired of it.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/11/AR2005091101084_pf.htmlFrederick L. Webber, a longtime denizen of Washington's lobbying corridor, showed up at work one day last week and found on his desk a dozen fundraising requests from members of Congress.
He threw them all in the trash.
In a self-described epiphany, Webber, president of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, drafted a large check to help families displaced by Hurricane Katrina and decided that an imperative of his vocation -- political giving -- had finally gone too far.
How could lawmakers be asking for money for their reelections, he asked himself, when thousands of Americans were desperate for aid along the Gulf Coast?
"It really hit home when I was writing out that check," Webber said. "Political fundraising in this town has gotten out of control."
It's a message he was repeating passionately at lunches and in private conversations with other lobbyists all over town last week.
(snip) much more.