Bullet Point Arguments on Senator Hatch’s Opening Statement on the Roberts’ Nomination
September 12th, 2005
{A little gift from Kennedy's office}
Here are some bullet points arguments on Senator Orrin Hatch’s statement today:
Judicial Philosophy and the Marshall Nomination:
· When Thurgood Marshall was nominated to the Supreme Court in 1967, Kennedy said that senators as part of our Constitutional duty to advise and consent - should not reject a nominee because they don¹t agree with him on every issue.
· Kennedy did not say we should never consider judicial philosophy during the confirmation process. This is particularly important today because the President has made it clear that judicial philosophy is an important criterion in choosing his nominees.
· If judicial philosophy is important to the White House in selecting a nominee, then the Senate is entitled to consider it during the confirmation process to determine if the nominee will uphold basic rights important to the American people.