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Paul Craig Roberts column: "Impeach Bush Now"

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CATagious Donating Member (277 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 11:40 AM
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Paul Craig Roberts column: "Impeach Bush Now"
I apologize if this has already been posted (and it probably has)....

Paul Craig Roberts is a conservative editorialist for the Washington Times... I don't read that paper but I found his BIO on the net.

Here's an article he wrote on Spt 6th:

here's the last paragraphs:

"The neoconservatives have brought these disasters to all Americans, Democrat and Republican alike. Now, they must be held accountable. Bush and his neoconservatives are guilty of criminal negligence and must be prosecuted.

What will it take for Americans to re-establish accountability in their government? Bush has gotten away with lies and an illegal war of aggression, with outing CIA agents, with war crimes against Iraqi civilians, with the horrors of the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo torture centers, and now with the destruction of New Orleans.

What disaster will next spring from Bush's incompetence? "
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tives12 Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 11:44 AM
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1. Tom Flocco
This man has a great website. I'm not entirely sure of the authenticity of it, but it is definitely worth looking into. He is reporting about the indictment of the Bush administration for crimes against humanity. If you remember, there was an evacuation or an explosion of some sort in Chicago. The building above where it happened was where the indictments were going on. The website is Apparently the government has been tracking who visits this websites and has bugged some computers. My family was complaining of viruses on the computer several days after I visited the website so I can attest to that.
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