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CSPAN Schedule Wednesday September 14

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notadmblnd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 06:17 PM
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CSPAN Schedule Wednesday September 14
CSPAN Schedule

Wednesday September 14

CSPAN Journal starts at 7AM eastern, so you (esp west coasters) may wish to submit questions via website -

""Ask the C-SPAN Guests" on Washington Journal. Please review the program schedule with guest information before submitting your questions. NOTE: Please keep your questions short, directed to a particular guest & without commentary. Submissions that do not follow these rules may be discarded."

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07:00 AM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
Open Phones
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Gail Russell Chaddock , Christian Science Monitor
Evelyn Leopold , Reuters News Service

07:30 AM EDT
0:20 (est.) LIVE
Roberts Confirmation
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Tom Coburn , R, Oklahoma

07:50 AM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
Roberts Confirmation
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Karen Pearl , Planned Parenthood Federation of America

08:20 AM EDT
0:20 (est.) LIVE
Roberts Confirmation
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Mike DeWine , R-OH

08:40 AM EDT
0:20 (est.) LIVE
Open Phones
C-SPAN, Washington Journal

09:00 AM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Maxine Waters , D-CA

09:30 AM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
Open Phones
C-SPAN, Washington Journal

10:00 AM EDT
8:00 (est.) LIVE
House Proceeding
House Session
U.S. House of Representatives
09:30 AM EDT
8:00 (est.) LIVE
Senate Proceeding
Senate Session
U.S. Senate
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.

09:00 PM EDT
4:00 (est.) Senate Committee
Roberts Confirmation Hearing, Day 3
Patrick J. Leahy , D-VT
Arlen Specter , R-PA

07:01 AM EDT
0:54 (est.)
Future of the United Nations
Council on Foreign Relations
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick , United States
Thomas Pickering , United States

07:55 AM EDT
1:02 (est.)
Tower of Babble: The United Nations
Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal
Dore Gold , Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Eric Rappaport , American Friends of Likud

08:57 AM EDT
1:01 (est.)
Act of Creation: The United Nations
New School University
Stephen Schlesinger , World Policy Institute

09:30 AM EDT
5:30 (est.) LIVE
Senate Committee
Roberts Confirmation Hearing, Day 3
Patrick J. Leahy , D-VT
Arlen Specter , R-PA
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Viva_La_Revolution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 11:39 PM
Response to Original message
1. Washington Journal 7AM - 10AM

Wednesday, Sept. 14

7am - Newspapers, Phones & Hotline
Chaddock, Gail Russell, Correspondent, , Capitol Hill
Leopold, Evelyn, Correspondent, Reuters News Service, United Nations

Telephone lines are opened for audience comments.

Ms. Chaddock participates by remote connection from Capitol Hill providing an update on the Judge John Roberts confirmation hearings.

Ms. Leopold participates by telephone from New York City, talking about the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Summit, which begins today, the effort to come up with a document that would lay out the U.N.’s key efforts for the 21st century. Those efforts include reforming the U.N., defending human rights, and meeting Millennium Development Goals that were set in 2000.

7:30am - Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Judiciary Committee Member
Judiciary Committee member Senator Coburn talks about the Judge John Roberts confirmation hearings and the questions he asked the nominee yesterday with more scheduled for later today.

7:50am - Karen Pearl, Planned Parenthood, Interim President
The guest offers a Democratic perspective on Judge John Roberts and his confirmation hearings. Pearl is a witness for the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats and will testify later this week at the hearings. Pearl will discuss Roberts’ record on abortion and reproductive rights.

8:20am - Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH), Judiciary Committee Member
Judiciary Committee member Senator DeWine talks about the Judge John Roberts confirmation hearings and the questions he asked the nominee yesterday.

9am - Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Financial Services Cmte Member
Rep. Waters talks about two House Financial Services subcommittee hearings this week on federal response to Hurricane Katrina. She is a member of both subcommittees. Today’s hearing will focus on evacuees’ lack of access to financial services and the effect of the loss of their personal identification and financial records.
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Viva_La_Revolution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-05 08:09 AM
Response to Original message
2. Today's Events
Today's Events
Secretary-General Speech
Annan, Kofi, Secretary-General, United Nations

Senate Session

Roberts Confirmation Hearing, Day 3
Leahy, Patrick J., U.S. Senator, D-VT
Specter, Arlen, U.S. Senator, R-PA
Roberts, John G. Jr., Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit

The Senate Judiciary Committee continues a hearing on the confirmation of Judge John Roberts to the seat vacated by the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Senators will continue to question Judge Roberts. After the questioning, the committee will go into a closed session.

The hearing will be aired live gavel to gavel on C-SPAN3. There will be re-airs on C-SPAN2 at 9 p.m. EDT.

Presidential Speech
Bush, George W., pResident, United States

House Session

Transformation of the FBI
Wolf, Frank R., U.S. Representative, R-VA
Thornburgh, Richard, Attorney General (1988-1991), Department of Justice
Fine, Glenn A., Inspector General, Department of Justice
Mueller, Robert, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Justice Deparatment officials testify about the transformation of the FBI following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Influenza Vaccinations
Gerberding, Julie M.D., Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
McClellan, Mark B., Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Officials brief reporters on threats posed by recent strains of influenza to various sectors of the U.S. population and the forecast for the winter disease season. They also talk about responses to Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf Coast an immunization programs for displaced persons and health workers.

Financial Institution Response to Hurricane Katrina
Bachus, Spencer, U.S. Representative, R-AL
Shelton, Hilary, Director, NAACP, Washington Bureau

Financial institution officials from the areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina testify about their responses to the situation.

Public Discourse Project Report
Kean, Thomas H., Chairman, 9/11 Public Discourse Project
Hamilton, Lee H., Vice Chairman, 9/11 Public Discourse Project
Gorton, Slade, Board Member, 9/11 Public Discourse Project
Roemer, Timothy J., Board Member, 9/11 Public Discourse Project
Fielding, Fred F., Board Member, 9/11 Public Discourse Project
Lehman, John F. Jr., Board Member, 9/11 Public Discourse Project

The 9/11 Public Discourse Project (the nonprofit successor organization to the 9/11 Commission) releases a report on assessing implementation of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations on homeland security and emergency response.

Natural Gas Prices and Hurricane Katrina
Issa, Darrell, U.S. Representative, R-CA
Caruso, Guy, Administrator, Department of Energy, Energy Information Admin.
Slocum, Tyson, Director, Public Citizen, Research
Watson, Rebecca, Assistant Secretary, Department of the Interior, Land and Mineral Management Service

Witnesses testify about natural gas prices and sources of supply in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Iraq War Debate
Galloway, George, Member, House of Commons, Labour, United Kingdom, Glasgow Kelvin
Goodman, Amy, Host, Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now! :applause:
Hitchens, Christopher, Columnist

George Galloway and Christopher Hitchens debate the war in Iraq.

George Galloway, opposed to the war in Iraq, is a member of the British Parliament and the author of Mr. Galloway Goes to Washington: The Brit Who Set Congress Straight About Iraq, published by New Press. The book tells the story of his recent appearance before the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, where he verbally attacked U.S. Senators while responding to charges related to Iraq's oil-for-food program.

Christopher Hitchens, who supported the war in Iraq, is the author of Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays and Blood, Class and Empire: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship published by Thunder's Mouth, Nation Books, and A Long Short War: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq, published by Plume.

The debate is moderated by Amy Goodman. She is the author of The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them, published by Hyperion.

This debate will be broadcast Sat. 9pm on CSPAN2 BookTV
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