It came as no surprise to me, this abject poverty hurricane Katrina uncovered. I wasn`t shocked as Brian Williams or Anderson Cooper stumbled onto the haves-and-havenots story they were forced to report. That elephant has been in our living room for a long, long time. Some of us looked the other way and some of us let the fear of a "Liberal" label keep us quiet.
Feast your eyes on our bloated CEOs and the feckless Congress that abets them. Listen to the Limbaughs, the Hannitys and their poor-equals-lazy commentary. Join in the laughter at Jimmy Carter`s wussy work with Habitat for Humanity. Watch another commercial that guarantees Car X will get you some respect. Where`s the poverty dialogue? Missing, that`s where.
During the 2004 election cycle, I heard only two Democrats consistently raise this issue: John Edwards and Wes Clark. For others, "War on Terror" was the buzzphrase, so much more important than talking about millions of Americans teetering on the edge of despair. We should be ashamed. Ashamed that our own DLC hacked away at the integrity of the very people in the party who have made social and economic justice their main concerns. Ashamed because we let them strip the honor from basic party principles and turn it into some slacker giveaway program.
Here`s what I know: I know how tragic circumstances can crush you, your children and your pride, how they can take away your very breath and your will to go on. I know how much it hurts. I know about the shame, the despair. And, I know how much it means to have someone...even a stranger...hold out a hand.
This national disgrace must be dealt with. No more hiding the dirty little secrets. Democrats must rise up, get back to basics and DEMAND that our leaders return to the issues that speak to our humanity.