An unaltered letter to the President from <congress.org>. I couldn't resist the pure "rant" of it. I know his anger....
To: President George Bush
September 14, 2005
I notice that you’re still there George. You said you would accept responsibility for your failure to act.
Was this lie number 300 George? Or will you actually accept responsibility for the needless deaths and unimaginable suffering by announcing your resignation this week?
Say, didn’t you own a baseball team? You know what three strikes mean, right? Lemme see…
New York city……”we never envisioned terrorists crashing air planes into buildings”….”I’ve got to finish “The Pet Goat don’t bother me”…………STRIKE ONE.
Iraq……”There can be no doubt that Saddam has”… (yeah yeah, I’m not going to write down all 237 of them)…strike two.
New Orleans…….”I got to play this guitar don’t bother me”……...”No one anticipated the breach of the levees”. STRIKE THREE GEORGE. Are you OUT?
So George; a couple in New Orleans has been charged with 34 counts of “negligent homicide” for not evacuating 34 of the 88 residents. They got 54 more people out before you did. This doesn’t seem right to me. You know, that you haven’t been charged.
Tell me George, when you said “I accept responsibility”, it wasn’t *really because you intended to “say what you mean, mean what you say” was it. It was because Karl Rove told you it would help your miniscule poll numbers because the morons who voted for you, are the same morons who forgave Jimmy Swaggert; They’ll forgive ANYTHING…..as long as it was done by a dumb red neck representing them. That’s what REALLY happened isn’t it. I couldn’t help but notice that you were blinking like a strobe, and looked like your head was going to explode when you said the words “I accept responsibility”.
"I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him. ... I truly am not that concerned about him." George W. Bush regarding Usama Bin Laden at White House press conference in March of 2002.
Gosh, I just don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those exaggerations. - George W. Bush, third presidential debate on October 13, 2004.
Come on George. Who do you think you’re kidding?
"God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." - George W. Bush
“God” told you this George? What is your god telling you today George? Did he finally tell you you’re a liar, a torturer and a murderer? Did he tell you to resign? No? I don’t know what to make of your god George. He seems to be a god of confusion.
George, let us reason together; You’ve destroyed the Republican party. You’re going down in history as the most corrupt son of a b!tch ever to hold public office in America. You’re continued occupation of the White House is a profound direct threat to the safety of the American people and no they know it. You need to do what you said you’d do; ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY; tens of thousands of senseless deaths from the beginning of your first term, to the present. We can’t endure you another day; you’re killing us. We’re a laughing stock around the world, we’re bankrupt, defenseless, our intelligence agencies have been destroyed, our children sent to die as you looked under a desk and joked about not finding the G0DDAMNED WMD you sent them to die looking for.
George, if you had one ounce of recognition for what you’ve actually done to this country, to the world, you’d be on suicide watch right now. But you’re a total sociopath, a liar, a killer, the most evil b@stard ever to rule over America.
The capitol hill police need to arrest you. Right now. Don’t even think about attacking Syria George. No charge you bring against anyone, will ever mean anything again. You have zero credibility. And until you’re lawfully removed from the White House, the American people’s very lives are in danger because of that.
George, all your life you’ve made great big messes, and walked away. It’s reprehensible, but in the balance of where things are today, I’m asking you: Please do it again. It’s the least you could do for your country.
Seattle , WA