I'm home. Got back last night, late and exhausted. My daughter and family are OUT OF THERE and safely here. I have a list of people to thank probably fifty persons long, and I spent today, with one of them,(who has given from her seemingly inexhaustible supply of energy, the chairperson of our county Democratic Party) who personally accompanied myself, the driver and my daughter's family through the step by step process at SC Cares, while taking endless phones calls and giving directions to people on about ten other projects in which she is involved. Because of our fatigue from the drive (we had to spend one night, seven of us and three dogs, sleeping in the parking lot of (of all places, Wail Mart) in Meridian, MS, because there were absolutely no available motels in either Meridian or in our next stop, Tuscaloosa, AL, which is really very okay with us, the entire town was occupied with relief and rescue workers on their way to New Orleans area to help.) this lady, who is in her sixties, stood with, walked with, supported throughout, shepherded my daughter and family through the assistance process, of SC Cares. She also took time to see to it that I and the driver were "fed and watered." Although we could have bunked up here, so long as some slept in a tent, she managed to get the five of them and their three dogs into a motel, with food rations, and is renting a vehicle for them to get out to buy food. They have replaced my daughter's nebulizer and her inhalers, given shoes to three who were without shoes, given antibiotics for my daughter and two grandchildren who had infections beginning in their feet from blisters, cuts and insect bites, given my son-in-law his ulcer medication, and people welcomed them, and hugged them, and respected them, and fed them, and my daughter's family absolutely could not get over the kindness and generosity and warmth given them, not to mention the efficiency with which they were handled. It took a long time, because they are so many, but this lady stood, when I could not, and walked through this with them, every step of the way. They are in awe, as am I. There are political aspects to this, which, at some future time, I might express. This is a political room. But at this time, I just want to express gratitude, pure unadultarted with politics, sincere gratitude. I also want to express, to anyone on here who cared, my eternal thanks for your wishes or prayers. I do not believe caring need be only that sanctioned by a divinity. As humans, we should care, as Americans, we should care, as citizens, we should care. I have seen and felt, this day, this time, from athiest and from born agains, Americans caring about Americans. And, I promise you, IT WAS, AND IS, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL AND UPLIFTING. My daughter's family is still to be united, and they are still to get to the home in the small NC town that has adopted them, but I truly believe NOW, that caring Americans can still make anything happen. Yay, for caring American people!