Michael Moore recently sent a “Letter to All Who Voted for George W. Bush.” He makes some very good points, but I think he misses the big point when he writes about the “incompetence” of the government.
No one is “running the government.” Bushco is so busy figuring out how to make money off the government, how to sell off America piece by piece, how to privatize the next service, milk the next program, that he pays zero attention, and could give a shit less, to who really runs a program like FEMA and how effective they are.
As long as oil prices go up, Halliburton gets the cleanup contract and Bechtel gets the rebuilding contract, it works for him. Hell, incompetence in government makes him more money in the cleanup and the fallout from the disasters created by his “government.” I’ll bet his buddies own the companies that make prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs.
A program is there only to be privatized or gutted for another tax break, not to be run for the benefit of Americans. Hecouldn’t care less about us or our America. Hell, he can’t even play politics with other nations, because he’s not interested unless it makes him money.
It is vulgar, obscene, and yes, you so-called “moral Christian” righties, it is godless.
Face it, you idiots who voted for Bush, you have been conned by the neo-cons on a grand scale never before seen. Too bad you sucked the rest of us down the toilet with you.
If you can’t see that yet, then you really do have shit for brains.
Please continue reading. It says it all.