just to explain a little further where i'm coming from, take a read on Dahr Jamail's latest article:
http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/archives/dispatches/000276.php#morei think there are some Democrats who hold honorable views and genuinely want to make things better for the Iraqi people .. but it just doesn't make any sense anymore ...
the US is going around Iraq blowing up cities and turning them into ghost towns ... we are terrorizing local populations all over Iraq ... imagine the horror of having US forces bomb the crap out of your community, kick the door in in your house, and drag away all the males ... imagine, knowing that the Americans, "the liberators", were coming that your entire community fled with nothing into the desert in 130 degree heat ... no food, no water, no shelter ... just fear ...
and things are only getting worse ... at least if we could see some progress, one could make a credible argument to remain ... but do we? are we blind? more than 200 Iraqis, not terrorists, not Al Qaeda, just plain old Iraqis have been killed in the last two days ... and frankly, there is already civil war ... Iraq has become a cauldron of insanity ...
i just can't make any sense of what the US is doing there ... not from a humanitarian, nation-building point-of-view anyway ... what i think we're doing there is nothing short of imperialism ... we are there for oil and a permanent presence in the heart of OPEC country ... so even those advocating more occupation "with reasonable objectives" will never have their goals achieved ... bush and the neo-cons don't give a damn about the Iraqi people ... all that will result is their exploitation by the American corporate elite ... and this goal is unconscionable ...
you call on Democrats to hold hearings ... i think we're way past that ... i have no objection to hearings but people are dying today ... neo-con imperialism is being imposed today ... Talibani and Chalabi are US puppets with way too much power today ... and perhaps Jafaari too ... and all this suffering, war and death is for what? a religious fundamentalist state? it's truly crazy ...
and politically, i think most elected Democrats are playing games while Iraqis die ... i think Democrats are so afraid of the "soft on defense" label that they have been cowered into total ineffectiveness ... Americans don't see strength as pro-war; they see strength as having clearly defined convictions and fighting like hell for them ...
does anyone sincerely believe that Democrats, no matter what position they hold, are fighting like hell for their positions on Iraq? i surely don't ...
it's time to give Democrats like Clinton (this will never happen), Clark, Dean, Kerry, Edwards, Bayh, Warner and any others i've left out a warning and a last chance ... get with the program or go fuck yourselves ... the arrogance of those who refuse to represent the majority view of the American people and certainly of Democrats can no longer be tolerated ... let all the candidate-supporters kick and whine but i will not support any candidate who continues to support the insanity in Iraq ... you want my vote and my support? then represent my views and the views of the majority ...