i don't know how to say this nicely so i won't ... i have fucking had it with the utter failure of the Democratic Party and its elected "leaders" to call for an immediate or at least near-term (less than 3 months) end to the occupation of Iraq ...
any Party that refuses to represent the majority of Americans, let alone a strong majority of Democrats, does NOT deserve our support ... we are witnessing a situation where republicans may gradually become the front for peace ... any Democrat who sets any objective in Iraq, other than getting the troops out safely, has failed to represent us ... we are the majority now and we have had enough Democratic tap dancing and Democratic bullshit ... there is no middle ground anymore ... either you are for withdrawal or you are NOT ...
stop making fancy speeches with clever "we should haves and if bush would only" ... bush didn't and bush won't !! out NOW or FUCK YOU !!! my "timetable" for this is October 15 ... if you don't join the peace movement by then, you are an enemy ... if you're supporting a candidate who hasn't called for withdrawal, educate them fast ... tell them you've had enough ... ask them to join us ...
here is Dahr Jamail's latest journal on Iraq:
source =
http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/For the last several days at least 6,000 US soldiers along with approximately 4,000 Iraqi soldiers (Read-members of the Kurdish Peshmerga and Shia Badr Army) were laying siege to the city of Tal-Afar, near Mosul in northern Iraq. It is estimated that 90% of the residents have left their homes because of the violence and destruction of the siege, as well as to avoid home raids and snipers. <skip>
While the US military claims to have killed roughly 200 “terrorists” in the operation, reports from the ground state that most of the fighters inside the city had long since left to avoid direct confrontation with the overwhelming military force (a basic tenet of guerrilla warfare). Again like Fallujah, most of the families who fled are staying in refugee camps outside the city in tents amidst horrible conditions in the inferno-like heat of the Iraqi summer. The LA Times reported that Ezzedin Dowla, a Turkmen leader in the area said, “Families are homeless and the government has not provided any shelter, food or drink for them.” Nor has the US military. <skip>
The Cheney Administration is desperate for something it can spin as “good news” from Iraq; thus, it most certainly behooves them to have the referendum on the constitution to boast about. But in order to do so, the voting ability and power of the Sunni (and Sunni Turkmen) must be severely compromised, as well as punishment meted out for rightfully assuming what will be a Sunni no-vote on the constitution.
Both the Cheney Administration and its current puppet-government in Iraq benefit from destroying the voting (and living) ability of the majority of people in the “Sunni triangle,” so we have the operation in Tal-Afar, most likely to be followed by similar operations in Al-Qa’im, Haditha, Samarra, and possibly more. <skip>
“Authorization” was given by the Iraqi government for the attack on Tal-Afar, just as “authorization” was given by then interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi for the November, 2004 massacre in Fallujah. “Authorization,” when the US military would never, ever allow any foreign power jurisdiction over American forces, least of all a puppet government. <skip>
The horrendous totals from yesterday were 160 dead, 570 wounded Iraqis as the result of the string of attacks and at least a dozen car bombs. The blowback from the Jafaari “authorized” state-sponsored terrorism in Tal-Afar took little time to materialize in the capital city.