The opinion of "Rusty" expressed on
John Conyer's blog re:
The Republican Nemesis:
"'The Republican Nemesis' concisely identifies what Democratic candidates have to do to defeat the GOP slander machine. Kroeger provides a brilliant analysis of how and why these lying, hypocrites in the GOP have been able to cynically manipulate the emotions of voters and deceive them into believing that no Democrat can be trusted."
"Next year, if they heed Kroeger's advice, Democrats in every Congressional district can inspire Democratic voters, win to our side most of the swing voters, and effectively attack their Rovian opponents. In the meantime, if they heed Kroeger's advice, every Democrat and progressive who appears on television in the coming weeks and months will be able to psychologically and emotionally connect with the American people and open their eyes to the vile hypocrisy of the GOP."
"James Kroegers' editorial, 'The Republican Nemesis' MUST BE READ, AND MUST BE E-MAILED TO EVERY DEMOCRAT IN CONGRESS AND EVERY DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. I implore everyone to e-mail 'The Republican Nemesis' to everyone they know and to progressive blogs, but especially to their Democratic senators and congressmen. I have, and starting tomorrow I'm going to e-mail a copy to every Democrat in Congress and to Howard Dean at the DNC."
"I've been reading this blog and posting here for five months. I've read countless posts filled with valuable information and great insights, and have appreciated them all. Then, on September 10, 2005 at 8:06 am EST, Linette told us about ‘The Republican Nemesis’ and in my humble opinion, posted the most valuable link in the history of the Conyers Blog."
If you've read The Republican Nemesis and found it to be everything that Rusty says it is
you're not alone.