didn't make much difference
Here Are The Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #6915
Geography Surveyed: New York DMA
Data Collected: 09/16/2005
Release Date: 09/16/2005 2:27 PM ET
Sponsoring News Organization: WABC-TV New York
Asked of 800 Adults
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 3.4%
Thinking just about the President of the United States ... Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina?
31% Approve
65% Disapprove
4% Not Sure
Asked of 800 Adults
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 3.4%
President Bush spoke to the nation last night. Did you see the speech or hear coverage of it?
65% Yes
34% No
1% Not Sure
Asked of 519 who saw speech
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.4%
Did President Bush's speech make you feel better about the government's response to the hurricane? Make you feel worse? Or did it not change how you feel?
35% Feel Better
21% Feel Worse
44% Did Not Change
0% Not Sure
Asked of 519 who saw speech
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.4%
After watching the speech, did your opinion of President Bush go up? Go down? Or stay the same?
21% Went Up
28% Went Down
51% Stayed The Same
0% Not Sure
Asked of 519 Adults
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.4%
Do you think that President Bush's proposal to rebuild the Gulf Coast is ... not ambitious enough? Too ambitious? Or about right?
21% Not Ambitious Enough
34% Too Ambitious
42% About Right
2% Not Sure
Asked of 519 who saw speech
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.4%
Based on what the President said, would you describe George W. Bush as a ... conservative? A moderate? or a liberal?
56% Conservative
30% Moderate
10% Liberal
4% Not Sure
Asked of 800 Adults
Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 3.3%
Are you personally willing to pay higher taxes to pay for the rebuilding of America's Gulf Coast?
25% Yes
69% No
6% Not Sure