by JC on 09.16.05 @ 09:11 PM ET
Lights Go On In N.O. for Bush Photo-Op and then Off?
And More Fuzzy Math from Bush
From Brian Williams via Kos , I see that in parts of New Orleans, power came on shortly before the speech, to much aclaim, and the power stopped after the...
From Brian Williams via Kos, I see that in parts of New Orleans, power came on shortly before the speech, to much aclaim, and the power stopped after the Prez spoke. We are clearly in the theater of the absurd when a president can use entire communities and their electricity needs as mere props in his political propoganda.
As for the speech itself, it would seem to defy credulity. Let me get this straight, the Administration blows up the deficit, cuts taxes for the wealthiest one percent, engages in a war on false pretenses that has cost $200 billion and counting, and now we have a national tragedy, due in large part to the incompetence of his Administraton, and he proposes to rebuild
with savings from whats left in the domestic discretionary budget? So the poorest of the poor will bear the burden of rebuilding? This is true Alice in Wonderland stuff.
I'm glad the American people are getting that this Administration does not share our priorities. We need to put a stop to this sophistry and hypocrisy soon, starting in 06, and continuing in 08 and beyond.