It's ironic that George "AWOL" Bush uses the National Guard today for the exact opposite reason why he "joined" it 30+ years ago.
What's happening with the National Guard is just a sleazy back-door draft if I've ever seen one, a draft executed by a slimy COWARD who'd never EVER join the National Guard under today's circumstances. No wonder the Coward in Chief told his sheep right from the start that "there will not be a draft". He found a way to draft people without having to call it by its proper name. Thing is, Bush thought his corrupt war for oil would be over long before his expendable resources of soldiers died out. Boy was he ever wrong....again. This atrocious war is long from over.
It's alarming to know that something like 40% of our fighting forces in Iraq are National Guardsmen and reservists, many who claim to be ill-trained for fighting the war. If that's not a backdoor draft, I don't know what is. I seriously doubt that very many Americans are breaking down the doors anymore to sign up for the Guard.
So what happens when this very limited resource for Bushco eventually dries up?