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If an idiot like Ah-nold can be a governor, can we please...

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Rude Horner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 03:42 PM
Original message
If an idiot like Ah-nold can be a governor, can we please...
talk George Galloway into crossing the ocean and running for president?

This is a really good article on Mr. Galloway.

I can't help but just be so impressed with his frankness and bluntness. He tells it like he sees it. *sigh* how refreshing that would be here.

Consider Galloway's statement in response to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath:

"The scenes from the stricken city almost defy belief. Many, many thousands of people left to die in what is the richest, most powerful country on Earth. This obscenity is as far from a natural disaster as George Bush and the U.S. elite are from the suffering masses of New Orleans. The images of Bush luxuriating at his ranch and of his secretary of state shopping for $7,000 shoes while disaster swamped the U.S. Gulf Coast will haunt this administration.

"In the most terrible way imaginable they show to the whole world that it is not only the lives of people in Baghdad, Fallujah and Palestine that Bush holds cheap. It is also his own citizens - the black and poor people left behind with no food, water or shelter. This is not simply manslaughter through incompetence, though the White House's incompetence abounds. It is murder - for Bush was warned four years ago of the threat to New Orleans, as surely as he was warned of the disaster that would come of his war on Iraq. ...

"His is the America of Halliburton, the M-16 rifle, the cluster bomb, the gated communities of the rich and of the billionaires he grew up with in Texas. There is another America. It is the land of the poor of Louisiana, it is the land of the young men and women economically conscripted into the military. It is the land of the glorious multiethnic mix that was New Orleans, it is the land of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and of great struggles for justice."

Read the article. It's not very long, but very good.
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Pacifist Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 03:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. *sigh* Except for that pesky little clause...
about being a natural-born citizen. ;)

I like Galloway too.
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Rude Horner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 03:49 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Yeah, that is a pesky clause. :)
Edited on Sat Sep-17-05 03:52 PM by Rude Horner
And in this situation, unfortunate. Because the guy is just what this country needs. I'd LOVE to turn him loose in Congress for a year or two. Heads would roll! But dammit, things would get done.

Can we PLEASE have someone, ANYONE, who would bring this kind of fire, sensibility and no nonsense B.S. to the white house or senate? *sigh*
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