Edited on Sun Sep-18-05 03:19 PM by belle
"I can't raise a family without a decent living wage. You wanted to get rid of overtime, and even the minimum wage which isn't enough to live on as it is. You want to gut my kids' chances of getting an education so that they can get a decent job. Your favoring of big businesses and the very rich means that even *with* an education it's harder and harder to get a "real" job. I can't support my family without an income, or health care, or even some kind of child care so I can at least work my two or three jobs without leaving my kid home alone. I can't support my family if I know a natural (or man-made) disaster could wipe out everything I've worked for, and you're not doing anything at all to help prevent the conditions that make such a disaster likelier, and you won't or can't help when we're in direst need.
Oh, and that's just assuming that I have a "traditional" family. If I'm gay, and raising children with my partner, you're not supporting our family; you're ripping it apart, with no thought as to what's genuinely going to be best for our children, let alone us.
If I'm a woman and unlucky enough to get pregnant when I can't afford it--mentally, emotionally, fiscally, even physically--you want to force me to have the baby even though you make it harder and harder for the kid to have a chance at a decent life, let alone me. You make it harder and harder for me to get adequate prenatal care, or to have the baby safely and comfortably, even if I *am* married and middle class. You *also* make it harder and harder for me to get birth control, which makes no sense if your real concern is about the children and not, oh, say, whether or not I'm having sex without your approval.
You say you value my family, but you let your big business friends make our water and air more and more poisonous through their environmentally irresponsible. All this so they can earn even more money. What does a CEO's stock portfolio have to do with the mercury levels in my water? Your "relaxed" regulations for your big business friends also mean that we're far more likely to get sick from bad meat.
If you value my family, why do you let my sons and daughters fight unnecessary wars for you? Why do you then refuse to even pay for adequate protection when they're over there? And then, after we've made that ultimate sacrifice for you, you can barely bring yourself to acknowledge that we exist. That my beautiful child is dead, died fighting for what she believed was her country.
Mr. President; Senator; Reverend. With all due respect: My family was better off before you started valuing it.