It's obvious that Roberts is going to be confirmed in spite of any objection. So far, the only "objection" I've seen from the Senate Democrats is a mild frustration over his unwillingness to answer questions. Roberts appears to be more of a corporate welfare lawyer who loves getting paid than a litigator who loves the law. He may or may not be qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice, but we won't know until after he is rubber stamped and given the life-long position. His failure to answer even the most basic questions about his political ideology and provide a complete view of his legislative records should evoke some stringent objections but it appears the Dem's are more afraid of the Nuclear option than they are of allowing an unknown candidate to sit the bench. Since they obviously will not filibuster, why not just embarrass the nominee in front of the country and withhold their vote from the Senate record. If Roberts is to be confirmed by yet another rubber stamping, why should they participate in it. Just don't vote. Let the Republicans rubber stamp him into the highest seat on the judiciary and give him a unanimous vote of 55 out of 55 votes. I think the Dem's should simply abstain from voting since they don't even know what or who they are voting for. They can take this opportunity to send a message that they will no longer support a farce. In the end, if they vote yes or no, they will only be legitimizing the nomination of the unknown comic to the Supreme Court.