Big Dog just spoke eloquently, on Meet the Press, about global warming, the thinning ice in Greenland and in the South Pole.
In contrast, the leader of the free world, Small Shrub, has dithered and waffled and dodged for 6 years. Finally, at the G8 the gas guzzlers of the world meeting, in July 2005, Preznit and buddies self congratulated themselves for admitting to global warming and then agree to guzzle more gas and energy.
More Katrina scale hurricanes are predicted thanks to the upward trend in temperatures.
................... June 2001
President Bush Discusses Global Climate Change
>There is a natural greenhouse effect that contributes to warming... And the National Academy of Sciences indicate that the increase is due in large part to human activity.
Yet, the Academy's report tells us that we do not know how much effect natural fluctuations in climate may have had on warming. We do not know how much our climate could, or will change in the future. We do not know how fast change will occur, or even how some of our actions could impact it.
For example, our useful efforts to reduce sulfur emissions may have actually increased warming, because sulfate particles reflect sunlight, bouncing it back into space. And, finally, no one can say with any certainty what constitutes a dangerous level of warming, and therefore what level must be avoided. < Scientist: Bush Stifles Global Warming Evidence
posted: 27 October 2004
>IOWA CITY, Iowa - The Bush administration is trying to stifle scientific evidence of the dangers of global warming in an effort to keep the public uninformed, a NASA scientist said Tuesday night.
"In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it is now," James E. Hansen told a University of Iowa audience. < Bush Administration's Global Warming Policies
The Bush administration has grudgingly conceded that global warming poses a significant and costly threat to the United States, as scientists have acknowledged for some time. Yet this White House continues to reject action to reduce global warming pollution. It has refused to require cuts in heat-trapping carbon dioxide pollution, significantly raise fuel economy requirements, or hold companies accountable for improving their energy efficiency and using wind, solar and other renewable energy sources. As these analyses show, the Bush administration's tired calls for still more study and voluntary pollution cuts won't get the job done.,04666.cfmG8 Statement Affirms Bush on Global Warming
European Leaders Moving Toward U.S. Position
by CEI Staff
July 8, 2005
<While some observers had hoped that Summit host Tony Blair would leverage his relationship with the President to pull the U.S. closer to the European position, the final agreement makes it clear that the opposite is the case. Particularly now that the majority of the nations pledged to cut emissions under the Kyoto Protocol are realizing that they will fail to reach their reduction targets, the consensus among industrialized nations has shifted definitively against the agenda of energy poverty.
“The leaders at the G8 summit agree that the world cannot afford to be put on an energy starvation diet,” said Ebell. “The communiqué addresses the need for much greater energy consumption in the future if nearly two billion poor people in developing countries are to enjoy the benefits of modern industrial civilization. And it emphasizes technological innovation and adaptation in dealing with future environmental challenges.”<